Sunday, April 1, 1984

"You may have already won..."

It's contest time for many of the national sweepstakes companies and once again, NGL s deluged with calls concerning the "Black Star of India." From our examinations, this often-awarded runner up prize is a natural black star diopside, valued at around one dollar.
Some of the other "prizes" we've seen include the "Tigris Emerald", a natural but excessively included emerald of negligible value and a natural ruby of similar description.

Cat's Eye Synthesized

Following three years of development, Sumitomo Cement Co. of Tokyo has filed patents for what is thought to be the first synthetic cat's-eye chrysoberyl.
A beryllium oxide base is dissolved under strictly controlled conditions with a "brilliance-producing additive" at 2000 degrees Celsius to produce a single crystal.
According to a leading Japanese gemologist, the product duplicates the properties of the finest grade of natural cat's eye chrysoberyl.